- Slightly nerfed Black Panther and Wolverine's special
- Fixed Black Canary item textures
- Replaced Green Arrow's bow drawback sound effect
- Buffed Green Arrow's arrow attack damage
- Fixed arrow crash
- Made Fire Arrows trigger TNT explosions
- Updated Flash (CW V3) model
- Renamed Police Baton to Tonfa
- Fixed float variable related crashes
- Made the grappling hook not shoot you up so high
- Made Stained Leather and Concrete not a shaped recipe
- Fixed Green Arrow (CW V4) Boots texture
- Fixed projectile durability damage
- Increased Heightened Perception cooldown
- Fixed Mark 5 suitcase durability resetting upon death
- Fixed Black Panther necklace durability resetting upon death
- Fixed Black Panther (IW) necklace special exploit
- Added Battle Precognition to Web Crawler legacy
- Prevented players from recharging and using their specials while in Heightened Perception
- Decreased Fortitude oxygen duration
- Changed Superman's, Supergirl's and General Zod's Fortitude to 10
- Updated Kryptonian Legacy's Fortitude
- Fixed Sith Eyes staying after legacy is reset
- Made it so Patreon Exclusive suits no longer get deleted and are wearable if not a patron, but become unusable instead
- Adjusted Saberstaff and Dual Wielding saber combat speed
- Increased travel costs to certain planets
- Updated Fear Scent to be able to detect hidden players
- Altered Batman's grappling mechanic
- Updated speedster trail render
- Nerfed Force Speed
- Fixed Unibeam durability damage
- Increased Mark 6-20 Repulsor cooldown
- Fixed symbiote morph armor glitch
- Fixed Voodo Doll stacking exploit
- Prevented sinistry regeneration if isInvisible gamerule is active
- Increased speed cap for gamerule from 30 to 35
- Decreased Chucky's Knife bleeding percent chance to 4%
- Fixed infinite force speed bug
- Fixed symbiote awareness
- Nerfed Micro Projectiles special durability damage
- Updated Superman's solar flare render
- Fixed legacy rank up xp bug
- Nerfed lightning burst
- Increased throw range on force lift
- Gave Stormbreaker a percent chance to cause bleeding
- Made Concrete Powder turn into Concrete if it comes into contact with water
- Fixed certain projectiles not couting for tokens when killing opponents
- Fixed Superman still able to use Heat Vision while under the effects of Kryptonite
- Replaced Spider-Man's toggable hud with Battle Precognition (HUD option in the config)
- Replaced Iron Spider's Zoom with Battle Precognition
- Made player immune to damage when in heightened perception
- Made certain character characters capable of taking off their masks using the "armor" key
- Added Green Arrow (Patreon Exclusive)
- Added Green Arrow's Bow
- Added Green Arrow's Bow (CW)
- Added Green Arrow's Compound Bow
- Added Green Arrow's Bow (New 52)
- Added Green Arrow's Trick Arrows
- Added Kryptonite Arrow
- Added Green Arrow (CW V1) (Patreon Exclusive)
- Added Green Arrow (CW V2) (Patreon Exclusive)
- Added Green Arrow (CW V3) (Patreon Exclusive)
- Added Green Arrow (CW V4) (Patreon Exclusive)
- Added Green Arrow (CW V5) (Patreon Exclusive)
- Added Green Arrow (New 52) (Patreon Exclusive)
- Added Black Canary (Patreon Exclusive)
- Added Black Canary (CW V1) (Patreon Exclusive)
- Added Black Canary (CW V2) (Patreon Exclusive)
- Added Black Canary (CW V3) (Patreon Exclusive)
- Added Black Canary (DCAU) (Patreon Exclusive)
- Added Police Baton
- Added Baton Staff
- Added Daredevil (Patreon Exclusive)
- Added Daredevil's Billy Club
- Added Daredevil (TV) (Patreon Exclusive)
- Added Flash (CW V4)
- Added Flash (CW V5)
- Added Supergirl (CW V2)
- Updated some female item textures
- Released Dracula to the public