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- Commands -



Displays a list of all commands relating to tokens.

/tokens bal

Display your current token amount.

/tokens withdraw <amount> 

Withdraw a specific amount of tokens.

/tokens deposit

Deposit all tokens in your inventory into your balance.

/tokens send <player> <amount>

Send a specific amount of tokens to another player.

Permission Node:


Token Admin Commands


Displays a list of all commands relating to tokens-admin

/tokens-admin add <player> <amount>

Gives the desired players a specific amount of tokens.

/tokens-admin remove <player> <amount>

Removes a specific amount of tokens from the desired player.

/tokens-admin set <player> <amount>

Sets the desired players token balance to a specific amount.

/tokens-admin clear <player>

Removes all tokens from the desired player.

/token-admin see <player>

Displays the token balance of the desired player.

Permission Node:


Galactic Credits


Displays a list of all commands relating to credits.

/credits bal

Display your current credi amount.

/credits withdraw <amount> 

Withdraw a specific amount of credits.

/credits deposit

Deposit all credits in your inventory into your balance.

/credits send <player> <amount>

Send a specific amount of credits to another player.

Permission Node:


Credit Admin Commands


Displays a list of all commands relating to credits-admin

/credits-admin add <player> <amount>

Gives the desired players a specific amount of credits.

/credits-admin remove <player> <amount>

Removes a specific amount of credits from the desired player.

/credits-admin set <player> <amount>

Sets the desired players credit balance to a specific amount.

/credits-admin clear <player>

Removes all credits from the desired player.

/credits-admin see <player>

Displays the credit balance of the desired player.

Permission Node:



Essence Admin Commands


Displays a list of all commands relating to essence.

/essence add <player> <amount>

Gives the desired players a specific amount of essence.

/essence remove <player> <amount>

Removes a specific amount of essence from the desired player.

/essence set <player> <amount>

Sets the desired player's essence to a specific amount.

/essence clear <player>

Removes all essence from the desired player.

/essence see <player>

Displays the soul well of the desired player.

Permission Node:



/legacy list

Displays a list of all legacies obtainable in the game.

Permission Node:


Legacy Admin Commands


Displays a list of all commands relating to legacy-admin.

/legacy-admin set <player> <legacy>

Set the desired player to a specific legacy.

/legacy-admin remove <player>

Removes the desired users legacy.

/legacy-admin max <player>

Sets the desired player's legacy to max, unlocking all abiltiies.

/legacy-admin check

Displays a list of all players and their legacies.

/legacy-admin powers <player>

Displays the loadout of the desired player.

/legacy-admin stark-reset <player>

Resets Stark legacy armor progression

/legacy-admin cure <player>

Cures the desired player from Vampirism. 

Permission Nodes




Consumes the blueprint in your hand, learning the blueprint or giving you 10 tokens if you already learned it.


Consumes the blueprint in your hand, learning the blueprint or giving you 10 tokens if you already learned it.

Permission Node:


Blueprint Admin Commands


Displays a list of all commands relating to blueprints.

/blueprints learn 

Consumes the blueprint in your hand, learning the blueprint or giving you 10 tokens if you already learned it.

/blueprints learnAll <player>

Unlocks all blueprints for the desired player.

/blueprints clear <player>

Removes all learned blueprints from the desired player.

/blueprints list <character>

Displays a list of all blueprints for the desired character.

Permission Nodes




Displays a list of all commands relating to guilds.


Displays a list of all guilds on the server.

/guild myguild

Gives information about the guild you currently a part of.

/guild members

Gives a list of all members in your guild.

/guild create <name>

Create a guild with you desired name choice if not taken already.

/guild disban

Disbans the guild you create.

/guild invite <player>

Invite the desired player to your guild.

/guild kick <player>

Kick the desired player from your guild.

/guild join <guildname>

Join the guild you were invited to.

/guild leave

Leave the guild you are a part of.

/guild setnewleader <player>

Sets the desired player as the new guild leader.

Permission Node:


Guild Admin Commands


Displays a list of all commands relating to guilds-admin.

/guilds-admin create <guildname>

Create a guild with you desired name choice if not taken already.

/guild-admin disban <guildname>

Disbans the desired guild.

/guild-admin addplayer <player>

Adds the desired player to your guild.

/guild-admin removeplayer <player>

Removes the desired player from your guild.

/guild-admin setleader <player> <guild>

Sets desired player to the leader of the desired guild.

/guild-admin clear

Removes all guilds from the server.

Permission Nodes


Black Flash

Black Flash Admin Commands


Display all the commands relating to Black Flash

/blackflash set <player>

Sets the desired player as Black Flash if there isn't one already.

/blackflash reset

Resets Black Flash allowing anyone to become the speedster.

/blackflash check

Checks the UUID of the player who is Black Flash (if there is one).

Permission Node:




Displays all commands relating to JARVIS

/jarvis tracking on/off

Toggle Iron Man's tracking HUD.

/jarvis analyze

Gives you information about the block you are looking at.

/jarvis call mark <mark>

Call a deployed Iron Man suit.

/jarvis scanarea

Scans the area giving you details of how many players, hostiles, and passives there are nearby.

/jarvis searchfor <player>

Search for a specific player if they are nearby.

/jarvis zoom

Allow JARVIS to take over your targeting systems, increasing your damage by one over a few seconds.

Permission Node:


Event Admin Commands


Displays all commands relating to events.

/event start <event name> <player>

Starts the given event on the desired player.

/event stop <event name>

Stop the given event.

/event active

Gives a list of all the active events.

/event list

Gives a list of all events in the game.

/event enable <event name>

Enables the desired event.

/event disable <event name>

Disables the desired event.

/event disabled

Lists all the disabled events.

/event reset

Resets all data for events.

Permission Node:




Gives all commands relating to animations.

/ani list

Displays a list of all animations in the game.

/ani set <animation>

Bounds the desired animation to your animation key.

/ani reset

Resets your animation key

Permission Node:




Gives all commands relating to quests.

/quests active

Displays a list of all your active quests.​

/quests completed

Displays a list of all your completed quests.

Permission Node:


Quests Admin Commands


Displays all commands relating to quests-admin.

/quests-admin remove <player> <quest>

Removes the given quest from the desired player.

/quests-admin resetAll <player>

Resets all quests for the desired player.

/quests-admin listInternal

Lists all the quests in the game.

Permission Node:


Boss Arena

Legends Arena Admin Commands


Displays all commands relating to legends-arena.

/legends-arena reset <player> <arena>

Resets the timer for the desired player for the given arena.​

/legends-arena clear

Resets all arena data.

/legends-arena list

Lists all the arenas in the mod.

Permission Node:



Ring of Embodiment

/rob off

Takes the Ring of Embodiment off.

/roe off

Takes the Ring of Embodiment off.

/ringofembodiment off

Takes the Ring of Embodiment off.

Permission Node:


Terror Radius

/terror on/off

Toggle your terror radius on or off.

Permission Node:


Display Abilities

/display abilities true/false

Toggles the abilities show at the top left of the screen.

Permission Node:


Key Display

/keydisplay true/false

Toggle whether abilities are show as keys or abilities in the Portable Modular Device.

Permission Node: com.tihyo.legends.commands.CommandKeyDisplay


/stance <stance number>

Sets your lightsaber stance.

Permission Node: com.tihyo.starwars.commands.CommandPickStance

Fightning Style

/style <style number>

Sets your lightsaber fighting style.

Permission Node: com.tihyo.starwars.commands.CommandPickFightingStyle

Force Telepathy

/force say <target player> <message>

Sends a message to a player through the Force.


/lock add <player>

Adds the desired player to be able to open any block locked with the key and lock.


/stark <arcreactor>

Changes your arc reactor to desired reactor.


/symbiote <set> <player> <tag>

Sets the desired players symbiote color.

Admin Commands

Effect Clear

/legends-effects clear <player>

Clears the effects of the desired player.

Permission Node: com.tihyo.legends.commands.CommandClearLegendsEffects


/shiny set true/false

Sets the current suit you're wearing as shiny.

Permission Node: com.tihyo.legends.commands.CommandShiny


/mjolnir reset <player>

Resets a players Mjolnir data.

Permission Node: com.tihyo.superheroes.commands.CommandMjolnir

Skill Points

/skillpoints max <player>

Max the skill points for a player for characters

/skillpoints reset <player>

Resets a players skill points

/skillpoints reset-legacy <player>

Resets a player's legacy skill points.

/skillpoints set-legacy <player> <amount>

Gives the desired player the given amount of skill points for their legacy.

/skillpoints legacy-add <player> <amount>

Adds the amount of skill points given to a player.

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